Exelon Survey
Exelon is conducting a survey of the public surrounding nuclear power plants in Illinois. The purpose is to identify local behavior...

Click on the picture above to access the document

CDC Coronavirus Information
Coronavirus Information from Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)

COVID-19 Info LaSalle Co. Health Dept.
Information on COVID-19 from LaSalle County Health Department

2020 Hazard Mitigation Survey
Click on picture to begin taking survey!

NWS Weather Spotter Class CANCELLED
Due to COVID19, NWS has cancelled all these events. NWS is NOT rescheduling spotter classes. If you're still looking for a weather...

2019 Weather Spotter Class
Weather Spotter Class has been rescheduled for March 21, 2019 6:30-8:30pm IVCC CTC 124/125 NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED

CERT Class
Community Emergency Response Team training is a 20.5 contact hour course that teaches participants about what hazards they're vulnerable...